I believe that ranchers and farmers should protect their interests and they have lots of options to do so. Strategic fencing, herd/crop management, and use of distant monitoring are used by some folks I’ve spoken with. Calves are brought in to protective areas during the time they are most vulnerable to predator attack. I don’t have cattle but do have frequent bobcat, bear, elk and deer visitors who do lots of damage. Mini sheep and goats and fruit trees make tasty treats but fences and dogs keep them out. I feed the bears at a location away from the house and orchard. In my opinion, we can all live together with a little work.

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This is fantastic. Amaroq Weiss is the best of the best when it comes to explaining wolf issues. I'm beside myself on behalf of California and its increasing wolf population these days, and I look forward to the day when more of the U.S. is re-wolfified. "Re-wolfify the Earth" doesn't so much roll off the tongue as tangle it up, but at any rate, I like the idea of it. :)

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Absolutely: re-wolfify the Earth!

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Very, very informative article. I am also a wolf fancier and wish their species the best.

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