The North Sea ecological renaissance, cleantech in India, China, and Ukraine, New Clark City in the Philippines, bonobos in the DRC, Chuckwalla National Monument, U.S. wildlife crossings, and more!
Pictures of seals, lobsters preferring wind turbines, and solar as anti-authoritarian energy. This is everything I didn't know I needed to hear this week to keep up the climate fight!
Bonobos ... the apes that resolve conflict not by war, but by kissing. We could learn a lot from them.
Pictures of seals, lobsters preferring wind turbines, and solar as anti-authoritarian energy. This is everything I didn't know I needed to hear this week to keep up the climate fight!
Heck yeah!
Will the salty-dome sailor holding wind perform under pressure?
I remain hopeful, but only time will tell if it works at scale.