A very informative and thought provoking essay: geopolitics, climate, and some visionary projections beyond anything this reader has encountered- anywhere! A treat. Geopolitics: the area might be upgraded in American policy-advising circles as an Area of Concern (to adopt WHO taxonomy) for obvious, non altruistic reasons. Climate: love the solar developments and lots of seasonal wind potential? Whale nation? ❤️❤️❤️🙂🙂🙂!!! You should write a novel based on a world with many such nations!

All in all, a thought provoking time was had by all.

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Thank you!

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Yesterday at Walmart I bought a scifi book by noted author Neal Stephenson (Snow Crash, Diamond Age Quicksilver etc). It was in a remainder bin and priced $6.97. pretty much a steal for a mint 702 paged hardbound. It is set in the near future, is.about catastrophic climate change and warming. A billionaire is supporting an effort to combat the changes with a big vast of characters and locales all over the world. (Stephenson would enjoy your Substack I imagine) I liked the book's premise and especially the intriguing start where the near future queen of the Netherlands is being flown to Houston in a business jet, but the air traffic controllers there wave the plane off and divert it to Waco because the temperature there had dropped to a mere 113° and the air there at Waco could now support an airplane. Houston was apparently much, much hotter. That was enough of a start to make me shell out the price (less than a mass market paperback). It's titled Termination Shock.

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Awesome!!! I'm so glad you got that book-and for such a good price! I absolutely love Termination Shock, although I believe I paid about four times what you did. Enjoy the read!


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Waiting for bargains..a miser's crafty strategy! That's why my net worth is measured in billions! 🙂💰💰💰

errr, I meant hundreds 🙁

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So Griffith doesn't agree with Matt Yglesias that Jamaica (which already has nuclear regulatory infrastructure and an experimental reactor) should try to solicit investment from US startups working on designs for lower-cost fission technologies?

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That's right. I disagree with Matt on that.

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It's a high-concept take, for sure. But I don't think Yglesias expected fission power to provide a lot of Jamaica's electricity in the foreseeable future. He just thought it would be a good location for research on new reactor designs.

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