Exciting reading about such great, significant progress in Africa. The sad flipside of looking for an African country to be the "flying goose" for the rest of the continent is that this should totally have been South Africa, which is the most advanced, westernised country in Africa. Unfortunately, it looks like South Africa squandered it's chance and seems to be going in the other direction. I feel we're just waiting for Kenya, Nigeria, or someone else to eventually overtake them and truly lead.

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What great, hopeful news! I love the piece about African developments and the possibility of that continent "leapfrogging" some of the errors of other developed areas. Learn from our mistakes!

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Thank you!

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Thank you for this important and hopeful news. The drive to survive keeps me going and your work to uncover and report hopeful news is so very encouraging in this difficult drought and heat ridden global environment. Written from a very dry Vancouver, British Columbia

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Thank you so much!

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